A wonderful sunny Saturday afternoon, beautiful great horses, a super audience and performers who gave everything! These are the ingredients for a successful show event! Many thanks to all who came and to all who worked so hard, both in the background and with their performance. We would also like [Read More]
As our show event in May was such a great success, we have decided to organise another event in August. Ana and Oliver from Avantgarde-Horses, Anja Rietbrock with a dressage freestyle and other wonderful and entertaining show pictures of actors will be with us again. Venue: Anja Rietbrock Dressage and [Read More]
We would like to show you a few more impressions of our event in Sottrum, which also included a variety of breeds. From Spanish Breeds to Hanoverians to Haflingers, everything was represented. We were particularly pleased that all visitors were very open-minded and ultimately it doesn’t matter which breed is [Read More]
Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich bei allen bedanken, die uns am Wochenende tatkräftig unterstützt haben. Das Motto war “Lebensbühne” und dazu natürlich professionelle Showbilder mit dem einzigartigem Team von Avantgarde. Wie immer, alles ist verbesserungsfähig und Auftritte mit Tieren auch nicht immer fehlerfrei, aber für die kurze Vorbereitungszeit sind wir [Read More]
We are particularly pleased to be able to announce this first show event at our riding facility A. Rietbrock, An der Weide 41, 27367 Sottrum. We present: Ana Ayromlou and Oliver Jubin from Avantgarde-Horses, Anja Rietbrock with a dressage freestyle and other beautiful charts will be there. We would like [Read More]
…………….. brought us a beautiful colt by Lordanos/Balou/Lordpezi. Our mare was great as always and made it easy for us. At 7.30 p.m. this pretty little stallion saw the light very quickly. A strong, curious, likeable boy who is already huge and will definitely reach a height of 1.75 m. [Read More]
……………………….. just introduce the pretty faces of the last 3 newcomers. So far we can tell you so much, that there is something from young to a little older and well trained. We ride the 3 pretty horses every day and in the next few days each horse will be [Read More]
Pole and jumping gymnastics for everyone February 19th, 2022 in Sottrum at Rietbrock Stables Leader: Ulrike Hatzl (Horse management master – Classical riding training ) Division into groups of 3 based on experience Also suitable for beginners or inexperienced horses (please specify when registering) [Read More]
“Only at the end of a year do you know how it started.” (* Quote from Friedrich Nietzsche *) The Rietbrock Horses team wishes a Happy New Year and for 2022 fun, health, adventure, love, courage, laughter, friendship, happiness, sunshine, more time for the important things in life and above [Read More]