Some Infos about approving of mares and stallions
Often we are asked what it means to have an approved stallion or PRE and what the different of approval levels mean exactly. First of all in Spain stallions AND mares must be approved so that a foal can be registered in the stud book. An application for approvement is only possible when mare and stallion are 3 years old or older.
If you would like to have your mare or stallion approved, you must first submit the appropriate form to LGAncce with payment of the registration fee. In Spain there is then a list on which you can find veterinarians approved by the Ancce, with whom you can contact. In the case of grain registrations for Germany, you will be informed accordingly when and where approvement takes place (only once a year) and you have to count on a probably not insignificant distance of travelling.
Now we will explain the diferent appriving standards.
Reproductor Básico – Basic Approvement
As already mentioned, the prerequisite that mare or stallion can be approved is that they have reached the age of 3. Otherwise the approving is rather unspectacular, i.e. The veterinarian approved by the Ancce checks the horse passport, microchip, takes blood again so that it can be compared with the LGAncce database and then the horse is measured from head to toe. That looks e.g. like the following data sheet only of the head and neck. Length, width, profile, mouth, lip, transition head / neck, topline of the neck, length of the neck and transition neck to back. 0 is the initial value and there are plus and minus values of -2 and +2, respectively. Whether a genetic value is positive or negative does not mean that it is good or not, but the degree of transmission to the foals. These data sheets are then available for the trunk, fore and hindquarters and finally a classification of the breed type and the anatomical harmony of this horse.
Does it happen that a horse is not approved? Yes, rarely or rarely in the past, but the Ancce has become stricter in recent years. Stallions with a tilt neck or if the minimum size is not reached are definitely not approved. This is 1.55 for stallions and 1.53 for mares. There is actually an upper limit on the size, but I am not aware of any case that a mare or a stallion was not approved because he or she was too tall. The veterinarian then has to be paid on site, he submits everything to the LGAncce and if the blood is compatible, the horse is approved. You get a sticker in the horse passport and Carta de Titularidad (registered as a reproducer).
Reproductor Calificado – Qualified stallion or mare
That a stallion or a mare can be registered for the Calificado approving is, of course, that they are already registered breeding stallion or mare and must be older than 4 years, mares can actually be registered for the Calificado approving at 3 years old. Furthermore, current X-ray images must be sent in with the registration, as well as a spermiogram for stallions and gynecological examination with mares using ultrasound. In addition, a veterinary report on the state of health must be submitted. If these requirements are met, the horse is admitted to the test. This takes place in 3 stages: morfology and movement, ridden, comparative evaluation of morfology (Calificación Morfológica ruler). An evaluation is carried out on the one hand by a 3-member commission of licensed Ancce judges for morfology and movement (Movimiento), a licensed judge for rideability and in the linear comparison by a qualified team of Ancce. The horse must achieve a minimum score of 85 in the morfology test (maximum score 130). In the case of rideability, at least 24 out of a possible 40 points must be achieved. If only 2 or points between 2 and 4 are awarded in a rating, the horse will not receive the Calificado approval, even if the minimum number of points is reached. In addition, points for body type, race type and harmony are included in the evaluation. An approving for the Calificado stallion or mare is not yet possible in Germany.
Reproductor Mejorante – Improving Stallion
For a stallion to be approved for the Mejorante Stallion, he must first be registered with the Ancce Breed Improvement Program and must also be at least 7 years old. In addition, a distinction is made as to whether he should be entered as Reproductor Mejorante with regard to Doma Clasica (dressage) or morfology (building assessment and movement by hand). Of course, a very high number of points must be achieved in all evaluation criteria, and x-rays, health certificates and spermiogram must be in order. When registered as a Reproductor Mejorante Doma Clasica, the horse must have a very high dressage sire index. In addition, a certain number of successful children must be proven who have reached the standard of Joven Reproductor Mejorante (recommended young stallion breeder-improvement sire).
Reproducor Elite – Elite Sire
The premier class has been reached and if there are only 5 Elite stallions in this Breed, everyone should now be aware of how tough the selection criteria are for a stallion to achieve Elite status. The first stallion to be awarded Elite was Ermitaño III, who died in 2017 at the age of 32. Ermitaño was only elite stallion at the age of 27. There are only 5 elite stallions worldwide, most recently awarded Cacique IX.